How to Save Money on Affordable, Comfortable Bedding
It is possible to save money on affordable, comfortable bedding, says The Foam Factory. You simply need to know a few key tips such as what to buy, when to buy, and how much to buy. The following information should help you find the perfect bedding for your own individual needs.
What to Buy
Comfortable bedding begins with a good mattress. If yours is sagging, a mattress replacement may be in order. Look for a well-constructed design. Don’t pay extra for features you don’t need like cashmere or silk fabrics. They’ll be covered with sheets, and you won’t even feel them.
When to Buy
Once you know the features you want in a mattress and bedding such as cushion filling, fabrics, and cost, watch for sales. Linens are often marked down during the annual white sales in January, and mattresses are discounted the most during the huge holiday sales like President’s Day.
How Much to Buy
Comfortable bedding begins with a mattress pad. It will help protect your foam mattress from wear and tear as well as provide added comfort. Choose sheets in an appropriate fabric. Cotton sheets are cooler, but they do wrinkle. Micro fiber eliminates ironing. Don’t forget a supportive pillow, and top the bed off with a beautiful comforter and pillow shams.
Use these tips to help you find comfortable bedding at an affordable price. Your reward will be a relaxing night’s sleep on a bed that is as cozy as it is beautiful.