
Reinforcing your lawn and keeping its beauty

Like many home owners, I enjoy my lawn and would prefer to keep its beauty intact. But, since I own a couple of properties and rent them out to families or college students. There is one thing I have noticed over the last couple of years. And that is more and more people are buying cars. Now I know that may seem unrelated to lawns. But, the more cars there are, the less places there are to park. Usually people begin to park on lawns or sidewalks. Over time this can cause a dramatic amount of damage to a lawn.

Facing this issue with my renters, I had no choice to either to ask them to leave or produce more parking areas. Knowing that if they left, I would face the problem again down the road. But, I wasn’t to thrilled at the idea of pouring concrete over the beautiful lawn, especially since it was my property. Not to mention the amount of money that it would cost have it installed.

So, with a few hours online looking for alternatives to this issue. I stumbled upon grass pavers. Now I was not too sure what that was at first. But, after reading it, I knew that it was my best option for a multiple of reasons.

If you are not familiar with a grass paver, let me tell you what they are. Instead of building a pavement on top of the ground, grass pavers build support under it, being virtually invisible. Utilizing square plastic sheets, you cover the desired area and place whatever type of grass on top of it. The grass is pushed down, filling up small cylinder groves, that you can see above. These groves house a small amount of soil and grass, keeping it in place when drove on. They even help reinforce each other. But, this is not the only thing that this system can do.

Upon further research, I learned that they have permeable qualities as well. Allowing water to pass through and not remain on the surface. This is how concrete erodes over time, I found out. Making this of paving last longer than its competitors. Which made it last to up to four times longer than concrete, which sits at a life span of about fifteen years.

The thing that appealed to me the most, was how easy that it is to remove, if I chose to down the road. The price itself didn’t hurt at all as well. Costing up to fifty percent less then concrete and that was total cost, which included labor and materials. Future savings took form in its lack of maintenance that is required. No need to clean or fix it, because it was underneath the grass and not on top of it.

Overall, I went with the system over concrete and it has been perfect. Though I still don’t care for people parking on the lawn. No longer do I have to worry about permanent damage happening to my lawn.

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