Tips to save time and money while remodeling your bathroom tub
The size of the bathroom depends on the number of people living in your home. Well bathroom is the busiest room in the house, so it becomes essential to keep it well maintained and clean all the time. So if you planning to start remodel your bathroom then fixing your shower tub should be your first priority. Well the bath tubs are usually in place since the home was first built.
With time bath tub gets worn out because of which it becomes essential to remodel them. Here are the few tips on remodeling your bathroom tub and tub walls:
To start with you need to check out nearby markets from where you will get to know about which designs are famous right now. Moreover you can also go through various home improvement magazines or you search over internet. Another great way to gather more information about latest designs is by asking your friends who have recently remodeled their home or you can also visit a builder’s display home.
The shower tub is not only the biggest bathroom fixture but also the most expensive one. It requires good amount of labor if you planning to replace your bathtub with the new one. And it also involves mason work who will come and fix the tub and cover it with tub walls or enclosures. Most of the tubs are generally places inside a brick& tiledenclosure it becomes really messing while replacing the old one.
If you are on tight budget and want to renovate your bathroom in a pocket friendly manner, then there is cheaper and easier alternative too i.e. shower tub. By this you will be able to retain your existing tub by installing a fiberglass insert. This will give the appearance of a brand fixture at a fraction of the cost and will also significantly reduce the work required on the tiled areas of the walls.
Nowadays you can also purchase these bathroom fixtures online where you can easily secure good deals and discounts.