Why Should You Raise the Level of The Exterior of Your House?
Have you noticed that in your house, your floors or windows are not at proper level? Most homeowners often face such problem particularly in old houses. This is an indication that your house needs relevelling. If you find that levelling of your foundation is not fine then you need to look at it very seriously, as it is a question of safety of your family.
Though it is not a very good news for any homeowner that he has to engage in the project of house lifting, however you cannot afford to ignore such problem particularly if your house is located near sea shore or in a low-level area. Also, it is the question of foundation of your house and if you do not address this problem soon then the basic architecture of your house may get damaged. The earlier you act, you can save some money, otherwise it can be a major expensive project if any disaster takes place.
Firstly, you need to have proper understanding about this repair activity before you undertake it. This house re-stumping is also known as known as re-blocking. In this activity, you need to remove the existing stump and get it replaced with a new and powerful stump.
What are the benefits?
By undertaking such project, you can get following benefits:
- The temperature inside the room will be much cooler.
- Flow of air inside the house will improve and you will get more oxygen and as a result health of the people living in the house will remain better.
- Your floor level will be even and the furniture of your house will remain stable.
- If there are stairs in your house then you can walk up or down without any hassle.
- In case you are living in flood prone area, then you no longer have to remain under fear that after slight rain your house will be under water.
- With improved foundation, you can construct another floor above the house in order to increase floor space in your house.
- You will have to pay lower amount of insurance premium because of raised level of your house.
- Your house will get a stable foundation and therefore in case of any earthquake, there will be no cracking observed on the wall.
- There will be less risk of getting infested by termites particularly from the floor.
- You can increase the resale value of your property.